Piehl Award to Increase Educational Support in 2025
We are pleased to announce a significant enhancement to the Ruth & Willis Piehl Award, providing increased funding to support your educational goals in 2025: The annual maximum amount has been increased from $500 to $1,000!
The Ruth and Willis Piehl Educational Award is an educational assistance program offered by LSS. The fund was established by the family of Ruth and Willis Piehl, who were passionate advocates for education and who admired LSS' commitment to older adults. Supporting the development and career growth of talented LSS team members ultimately improves quality of care and furthers the LSS mission of Older Adults Living Life to the Fullest.
Full-time, weekend option, part-time, and casual LSS employees (excluding those in a PRN status) in good standing, no matter what length of service, may apply for educational awards from the Ruth and Willis Piehl Educational Awards Fund. The application period for this educational assistance program for the 2025 calendar year is now open!
Funds can be awarded for books, supplies, and things like lab and exam fees, as well as the costs of programs necessary for job-related certifications and special trainings, such as GED and English as a second language courses.
The maximum award in any 12-month period will now be $1,000 and a lifetime maximum is $5,000. One of the advantages of this award is that it is paid up front – as soon as the application is approved.
This fund was established with the purpose of enhancing careers for existing LSS employees and in turn continuously improving the quality of care provided by LSS. Since 2013, more than $37,000 has been awarded to 94 LSS team members via the Piehl Education Award. This is a continuation of Willis Piehl’s lifetime of pioneering work as a leader in the aging services field. It is hoped that the fund will continue to grow so there can be consistent encouragement and financial assistance for years to come. It’s just one of the ways we meet you where you are and grow together!
For more information about the Piehl Educational Award click here.
In addition to the Piehl Award, LSS offers various educational assistance benefits as well as partnerships with universities. For more information about education assistance benefits click here.
Please note that the Piehl Educational Award cannot be used in conjunction with other LSS educational assistance programs.