Retirement Benefits
We’re here to help with planning your future
OneAmerica Financial
Member website:
Member Customer Service PH #: 800-249-6269
Plan Number: G62205
For More Information or To Enroll
Please visit OneAmerica’s website, call 800.249.6269, or speak with your Human Resources representative. For more information, click here.
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EverTrue partners with OneAmerica Financial to help our employees prepare for retirement. All employees may voluntarily elect to have money deducted from their paychecks to be invested for their own retirement. Additional details may be found in the “403b & Roth Savings Plans” section below. In addition to employees’ own voluntary contributions, employees eligible for the EverTrue Retirement Match may receive additional money from EverTrue as an employer match based on their contribution levels. The amount of the EverTrue Retirement Match is a way for EverTrue to partner with our employees to help them prepare for retirement, and additional details may be found in the “EverTrue Retirement Match Plan” section below. Please see the overview video below on the right, and/or continue reading below, to learn more about the EverTrue Retirement Benefits with OneAmerica Financial.
Retirement FAQS
Does EverTrue offer a Retirement benefit, and what is the purpose of an employer-sponsored Retirement Plan?
Yes, EverTrue offers a defined contribution retirement plan with an employer-sponsored match (403b and Roth options available). A “defined contribution plan” helps employees save for retirement by employees voluntarily making regular contributions to investments they choose so that in the future their retirement benefits are based on how much money they’ve contributed (as well as an employer-sponsored match) and how their investments have performed.
What is the difference between a “403b” and a “401k”?
The basic difference is that a 403b is used by nonprofit companies (like EverTrue), religious groups, school districts, and governmental organizations. The law allows these organizations to be exempt from certain administrative processes that apply to 401k plans. In other words, administrative costs for a 403b are generally lower.
What is a 403(b)?
A 403(b) plan is a way for you to save for retirement with tax-savings at the time of contribution. Under the 403(b) plan, you are able to save money each paycheck using pre-tax dollars and choose how the money is invested among the plan’s investment options.
What is a “Roth” plan?
The Roth option is just like the pre-tax 403b option except your contributions are made after taxes. This means you pay taxes now on those contributions and then when you access the money in your retirement plan it will not be taxed. Your earnings accumulate tax-free and in general distributions (both principal and earnings) are tax-free when you retire. With a Roth, the reward for paying more taxes now is the heftier tax savings down the line as your investments grow over time.
Does EverTrue offer a pension plan, also known as a “defined benefit plan”?
No, but we used to. The EverTrue Pension plan was frozen in 2006. If you were employed by EverTrue in 2001 or earlier, you may have benefits available to you through this plan. If you have been employed by EverTrue since 2001 or earlier, contact your Home Office Human Resources department to begin that process.
When can I start contributing to my retirement plan?
Employees are eligible starting on their first day of employment and upon registering on-line, via the 800 number or by completing the required 403(b)/Roth paperwork. Deductions should start on the 1st paycheck of the following month (but may take up to 10 business days for the election/change to take effect).
How do I start (or change) my contributions to my retirement plan?
You may begin (or change or stop) your contributions by logging in to your account at, or by calling the customer service number at 1-800-249-6269. You will need the group number, G62205, your social security number and your date of birth the first time you log onto the website or calling the customer service number at 1-800-249-6269. Your contribution elected should begin to be deducted from your pay the month following your election with OneAmerica (but may take up to 10 business days for the election/change to take effect).
How often can I change my contributions?
You may change the amount of your contributions every pay period (2 weeks) if you’d like (but it may take up to 10 business days for the election/change to take effect).
Are you taxed on the money that you put in your pre-tax 403(b)?
The money is not taxed until it is withdrawn, whether it’s withdrawn upon normal retirement or withdrawn through another kind of withdrawal (e.g. Hardship Withdrawal, Early Age 59 ½ Withdrawal, COVID-19 Distribution, etc.). It is taxed as ordinary income when withdrawn but NOT taxed at the time you contribute the money into your investments. Any interest that accumulates over time grows on a tax deferred basis based on investment performance. Avoiding taxes on these contributions can make it easier for many of us to set aside money for retirement later.
Why would someone choose to make contributions to their retirement plan on an after-tax Roth basis?
Like “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, the benefit of a Roth IRA is also “in the eye of the beholder”. It all depends on each person’s tax bracket—both now and when he or she retires. If you can afford to save for retirement without the tax benefits, a Roth can make a lot of sense. Many of us however rely on the tax-savings benefits of the pre-tax 403b to make it easier to save now.
How much can I contribute per pay period?
You can contribute up to $865.38 per pay period (or 80% of your compensation, whichever is less) for 2023, and up to $22,500 for the entire year. As far as how little you can contribute, you must contribute at least $1.00 per pay period. In 2024, the annual max will increase to $23,000 or $884.61/pp (or 80% of your compensation).
What if I didn’t save enough, and I am over the age of 50?
Ever wish you could have a financial “do-over”? In a way, the 403(b) offers you this opportunity. A special "catch-up" provision in the 403(b) allows you to increase your annual contribution by $7,500 more (in 2024) than the current year’s $22,500 limit, if you are age 50 or older. Call AUL customer services for more details.
Does EverTrue make any contributions for me as a “match”?
Yes, the “Retirement Match Plan” is a company-sponsored retirement program in which EverTrue will match your contributions to partner with you in preparing for retirement. The amount of this match may change each quarter, but it typically will change no more than once per year. If the amount of the EverTrue Match changes, EverTrue will communicate the change to staff prior to its effective date.
What is the eligibility for the EverTrue Match Plan?
All employees may become eligible after completing “One Year of Service” and attaining the age of 21 years old. A “Year of Service” is defined as a full 12-month year of employment and 1,000 or more paid hours of service during that full year of employment. Once an employee becomes eligible for the match, the EverTrue contributions will begin the first of the quarter following you becoming eligible (i.e. Jan. 1, April 1, July 1, or Oct. 1).
What is the EverTrue Match amount?
The current EverTrue match (2025) is 50% of what the employee contributes up to 8% of their total earnings. This means that if an employee contributes 8% of their compensation, EverTrue will contribute 4% of their compensation.
When do employees receive the EverTrue Match contribution?
When there is an EverTrue Match place, EverTrue will contribute the match every pay period that you make a contribution.
Does EverTrue offer “automatic enrollment”?
Yes. If you do not manually enroll and begin making contributions to your retirement savings, EverTrue will automatically enroll you at 2% contributions according to the quarterly schedule below following the date you become eligible for the EverTrue Match Plan, unless you opt out when notified of the auto-enrollment notice. Employees are auto-enrolled on a quarterly basis… January 1, April 1, July 1 or October 1.
How can opt out of the “automatic enrollment” process?
You may opt out when you receive the auto-enrollment notice following your one-year anniversary with EverTrue by registering and logging into OneAmerica’s website and entering a contribution amount of zero.
What are the investment options?
EverTrue maintains a menu of individual funds from stocks to bonds that have different levels of risk and also Target Date Funds. Target Date Funds invest your assets in a single diversified investment option with a risk level targeted to your retirement date and are very helpful if you do not feel comfortable in making individual investment choices on your own.
What happens if I do not make an investment election for my 403(b) contributions?
Those who do not make a specific investment decision will have their funds automatically invested in the TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index Fund closest to the date that you will turn 65.
When do I own all of the money in my retirement plan retirement – both my contributions as well as what EverTrue has contributed with their match?
Another term for “owning” in the retirement realm is “vesting”. If you “own” all of the money in the plan, you are “100% vested”. You are always 100% vested with the money you have contributed. For the money EverTrue contributes through the EverTrue Match, you can become 100% vested as quickly as 5 years but certain requirements must be met, as outlined in the next question below.
What is the “vesting schedule” for contributions made through the EverTrue Match Plan?
You become 20% vested in the EverTrue match contributions after 1 year of service during which you are paid at least 1,000 hours, and an additional 20% for each additional year of service with 1,000 or more hours. You will be fully vested after 5 years of vesting credit.
Less than 1 Year of Service = 0% Vested
1 Year of Service = 20% Percent Vested
2 Years of Service = 40% Percent Vested
3 Years of Service = 60% Percent Vested
4 Years of Service = 80% Percent Vested
5 Years of Service = 100% Percent Vested
*A year of service means an employee completed 1000 or more hours of service (paid hours) during the Plan Year (calendar year).
When and how can I access the money in my retirement plan while still employed by EverTrue?
You may access money from your own contributions with a “hardship withdrawal” (explained in a later question) or if you are 59 ½ years of age or older.
What is a “hardship withdrawal”?
A financial “hardship withdrawal” allows you to withdraw money from your 403b if one of the following reasons applies to you:
• Purchase (excluding mortgage payments) or construction of the employee’s principal residence
• Tuition, room and board fees for the next twelve months for college or post-secondary education
• Unreimbursed medical expenses
• Preventing of eviction from or mortgage foreclosure on my residence
• Payment for burial or funeral expenses for my deceased parent, spouse, or dependent
• Expenses for repair of damage to my principal residence that would qualify for the casualty deduction
How much can I withdraw for a hardship?
The withdrawal cannot exceed the amount of your financial need caused by your particular hardship circumstances, as supported by documentation that is required.
How can I request a hardship withdrawal?
Call OneAmerica at 800-249-6269.
What is the “59 ½” rule?
When you turn 59.5 years of age, you are permitted to take an early distribution” of money from your own contributions (as much as you have available but only 2 times per year), in accordance with all tax provisions.
Can I take a loan from my EverTrue retirement plan?
No. However, you can take advantage of what is called a “hardship withdrawal” (see above).
When and how can I access the money in my retirement plan when I am no longer employed by EverTrue?
You may access money from your own contributions as well as all vested EverTrue contributions whenever you leave employment with EverTrue, whether you are truly retiring or not. (Your funds may not be available for withdrawal until your separation has been processed in the EverTrue HR system.)
What happens to my retirement funds when I leave EverTrue employment?
The money stays in the investment option that the participant has chosen and the participant continues to receive quarterly statements, unless you withdraw your funds.
When can I withdraw my retirement funds after I terminate employment with EverTrue?
You may withdraw your vested account balance as soon as you would like after your termination date. Please call 1-800-249-6269 to request the appropriate paperwork.
Who do I contact when I want to retire and begin accessing the money in my plan?
If you are retiring, please contact your local HR Director if still employed by EverTrue or contact your Home Office Human Resources department if you are no longer employed.
Is there a certain age when I must begin collecting my retirement benefits?
Some employer-sponsored retirement plans require participants to begin collecting their retirement at age 70 ½ years of age, but EverTrue’ retirement plan does not require this as long as you remain actively employed with EverTrue.
What happens to my vested retirement funds if I pass away?
If you pass away, your vested funds will be paid to your beneficiary on file. If you do not have a beneficiary designated on file, your funds will be paid to the following in this order:
1. Spouse
2. Children in equal shares
3. Parents in equal shares
4. Estate
Can I designate anyone I want as my beneficiary?
Yes and no. If you are not married, then yes. If you are married, your spouse has a legal right to be your primary beneficiary under retirement plan legislation, unless they sign away that right. If you are married but do not want your spouse to be 100% your First Beneficiary, you must print your designation made inside OneAmerica’s website, have your spouse sign it and get the signed form notarized. Once signed and notarized, submit the form to the EverTrue Home Office benefits department.
How do I add or change my beneficiary?
You can visit to add or change your beneficiary. For more info on choosing and documenting your beneficiary, please review this helpful flyer.
What vendor do we use for administering our retirement plan?
EverTrue partners with OneAmerica Financial. OneAmerica is a provider of retirement plan services to many non-profit organizations. OneAmerica handles the processing of the investments, recordkeeping and administration of the retirement plans.
How do I change my address with OneAmerica?
You can change your address by doing so within your EverTrue Workday portal. These changes will be sent to OneAmerica on a weekly basis, and then OneAmerica will update their system accordingly.
Will a participant receive statements for their retirement plan?Yes, the participant will receive paper statements in the mail on a quarterly basis. The participant can also go on-line to to view their account balances.
What if I have additional questions?
Contact your local HR Director.
Additional resources:
Summary Plan Description for the Evertrue Retirement 403b & Roth Plan (as of 2024)
Summary Plan Description for the Evertrue Retirement Match Plan (as of 2024)
Prior years: Evertrue Retirement Plan Book for 2024; Participant Fee Disclosure G62205 (9-10-2023); Evertrue Retirement Plan Book for 2023; Participant Fee Disclosure G62205 (9-28-2022); Participant Fee Disclosure G62205 (9-12-2021)
Recorded Webinars
Recorded webinar for those generally under the age of 50 (17 minutes)
Recorded webinar for those nearing retirement (9 minutes)
Estate Planning Presentation (6 minutes)
Retirement Planning at Each Life Stage (25 minutes)