How Our EverTrue Wellness Program Works
The EverTrue Wellness Program is available to all active EverTrue staff, as well as spouses covered on our medical plans.
To register in the Quest portal, follow these instructions:
In the Create Account area (green box), enter your Registration Key: lutheranseniorservices
Click the Register Now button
When prompted, enter your Unique ID: Employee ID (Spouses’ Unique ID will be the Employee ID with an “S” added to the end, e.g. 123456S)
Complete the screens that follow to finish the registration process
Once you’ve registered, you’ll arrive at the dashboard
Under Wellness Screening, select an option to schedule your screening.
All employees are invited to complete an annual biometric screening, but only those employees enrolled in one of our EverTrue Medical Plans must screen to earn a “Wellness Credit”, which significantly lowers your insurance premiums. If an employee covers a spouse on their medical plan, the spouse must also complete an annual biometric screening to receive discounted premiums. (Dependent children are not eligible to participate in the wellness program.)
In order to learn how you can earn discounts on your medical insurance premiums (i.e. wellness credits), please review the flyers below…
It’s Easy to Save Money by Knowing Your Health
Wellness Screening for First Time Employees
For additional information on earning your wellness credit(s), please click on the link below labeled “Earning the Wellness Credit”.