Hospital Indemnity Insurance: Voya Evertrue Hospital Indemnity Insurance

Hospital Indemnity Insurance pays a benefit if you have a covered stay in a hospital, critical care unit, or rehabilitation facility on or after your coverage effective date. You can use this money for any expense you’d like. Childcare, groceries, help around the house—it’s up to you. Hospital Indemnity Insurance is a limited benefit policy. This is not health insurance and does not satisfy the requirement of minimum essential coverage under the Affordable Care Act. (Click here for the Hospital Benefits Certificate of Coverage.)

 1See the product brochure, certificate of coverage and any applicable riders for the definition of covered facilities, along with complete provisions, exclusions, and limitations.

 Hospital Confinement Indemnity Insurance is issued and underwritten by ReliaStar Life Insurance Company (Minneapolis, MN), a member of the Voya® family of companies. Policy provisions and product availability may vary by state.

Filing claims: You can file claims online at  For more info. on filing claims, please review the resource provided here: Voya - Filing Claims.

Voya Voluntary Income-Protection Benefits

Hospital Indemnity

Voya - Critical Illness, Hospital & Accident

Member website:

Member Customer Service Ph #: 877-236-7564
Group #:70587-0