Do you ever want your student loans to end? Thanks to a government student loan forgiveness program for non-profit employers, that could happen for you because you work at EverTrue.

The “Public Service Loan Forgiveness” (PSLF) program forgives the remaining balance on your Direct Loans once you have made 120 qualifying monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan while working full-time for a qualifying employer. EverTrue is a qualifying employer, and so you may be eligible for this benefit as a perk of working at EverTrue!

How Does the Program Work?

To qualify for student loan forgiveness as a non-profit employee, you must:

  • Have an eligible type of student loan - only “direct loans” qualify

  • Be employed full-time (30+ hours/week) at a non-profit employer, like EverTrue

  • Make 120 qualified monthly payments (over a 10-year period of time)

What should I do?

Do not wait until you have made the 120 payments – Act NOW in anticipation of being employed by EverTrue for the next 10 years and of eventually making 120 payments at some point in the future.

To Learn More: Call 1-855-265-4038 and talk with a representative from the PSLF program to answer any questions and make sure you’re fully prepared to take care of this great perk of being an EverTrue employee.

To Apply:

You can mail this application to U.S Department of Education, FedLoan Servicing, P.O. Box 69184, Harrisburg, PA 17106-9184, or you can create an account on and upload the form online;


If your student loans are already with FedLoan Servicing, you can submit your application online through their portal.

Student Loan Forgiveness for EverTrue Employees