Life and AD&D Insurance

Protect the future

LFG (Lincoln Financial Group)

Phone: 888-787-2129


Website company code: lssliving

Group number: SA3-890-LF0908-01

Supplemental Life Insurance

Supplemental Life insurance may be purchased by benefit-eligible employees. Premiums are paid through payroll deductions and are deducted on a post-tax basis.  Employees may purchase supplemental life insurance in increments of $10,000, but no greater than five (5) times his/her annual salary or a maximum of $500,000, whichever is less.

Employees may purchase supplemental life insurance for themselves, and they may also purchase supplemental life insurance for their spouse and/or children. Life insurance for a spouse may be purchased in increments of $10,000, but no greater than $100,000 or 100% of the employee’s own purchased voluntary life insurance, whichever is less.

Supplemental life insurance for children may be purchased in increments of $1,000 up to a maximum of $10,000. Dependent life coverage terminates at the age of 26.

You may enroll and/or make changes* to your supplemental life insurance through Workday. Please be aware that all voluntary coverage may be subject to insurability, and may require the completion of an Evidence of Insurability form. Don’t forget to set up a beneficiary (or beneficiaries) in Workday... For more info, see the section on the right hand side of this page.

For more information on Supplemental Life, Spouse Life, Child(ren) Life, including but not limited to the employee premiums for this coverage, please review the detailed documents on the right-hand side of this page.

 (Please note: PRN and Casual variable-hour employees who obtain benefit eligibility by averaging 30+ hours/week may not enroll in Supplemental Life Insurance benefits.)

*Changes mid-year, outside of Annual Enrollment or upon hire, are only permitted in conjunction with a qualifying life event.

Covered Maximum Amounts:

Employee Supplemental Life: Increments of $10,000 to a maximum of the lesser of 5 times basic annual earnings or $500,000

Spouse Dependent Life: Increments of $10,000 to a maximum of the lesser of 100% of employee's optional life benefit amount or $100,000

Child Dependent Life: Increments of $1,000 up to $10,000, not to exceed the employee's optional life benefit amount. 

Guaranteed Issue Amounts + Evidence of Insurability (EOI):

The employee must have supplemental life coverage for themselves in order to elect any supplemental spouse or child coverage. “Guaranteed Issue” is the dollar amount of coverage you are allowed to elect without having to provide evidence of insurability. “Evidence of insurability” is the requirement to provide medical history for the insurer to review before approving the insurance coverage elected.

 1.    If it is your first opportunity to enroll in supplemental life insurance (i.e. you were just hired Full-time, or you have just become Full-time benefits-eligible due to a job change), your guaranteed issue amounts are:

Employee Supplemental Life: Up to 3 times base earnings or $250,000, whichever is less

Spouse Dependent Life: Up to $20,000

Up to $10,000 (Children do not require evidence of insurability for any level of coverage)

2.    If you have already elected supplemental life insurance for yourself, when first eligible, your guaranteed issue amount for any increase later is:

Up to a $10,000 increase per year during Annual Enrollment for Employee optional life (any increase greater than $10,000 will require an EOI) unless your benefit amount exceeds 3x base earnings or $250,000 (whichever is less); If your benefit coverage is at or above 3x/$250k, you must provide evidence of insurability for any size of increase during Annual Enrollment

There is no guaranteed issue if increased at a time outside of Annual Enrollment

There is no guaranteed issue for increases to spouse coverage

 3.    If you did not elect supplemental life insurance when first eligible, you have no guaranteed issue and you will be required to submit an EOI for any type of election.


If someone has life insurance, it’s important to document who they’d want the money to be paid to in the case of them passing away. Who we designate the money to be paid to is called a “beneficiary”. One can set up multiple beneficiaries to allocate the money between multiple people at any percentages one wishes, as well as set up secondary (or contingent) beneficiaries just in case something happens to your primary beneficiaries and the money cannot be paid to them. To document life insurance beneficiaries, and/or change them, the employee must do so inside Workday. If you need help, please refer to the Workday job aids available on Evertrue Sharepoint or contact your local HR team.

What will happen if an employee passes away with no life insurance beneficiaries on file?

The way our plan document is written today, LFG will determine the “next of kin”. If the next of kin is under the age of 18, the money will be deposited into a trust. If it’s not possible to determine the next of kin, the money will be deposited into a trust, and then the interested parties of the deceased will have to go to court to determine who the money goes to.

Additional Resources

-To file a Life or AD&D claim, please follow the instructions provided here: Express Life Claims SystemOne

-Summary of Benefits - LFG Group Life & Accidental Death 

-Summary of Benefits - LFG Supplemental Life

-Portability of Benefits: Please review the FAQ here

 Additional benefits provided at no-cost to all employees eligible for Basic Life and AD&D coverage include the following…          

Will Preparation: For more information, please review this flyer: Will Prep from LFG

Travel Assistance: For more information, please review this flyer: TravelConnect from LFG

 ▪Funeral Prep: For more information, please review this flyer: Funeral Prep from LFG

Contact your local HR representative to get information on filing a Life Insurance Claim. They will contact the Benefits Department at our Evertrue home office to initiate the claim process.