Life and AD&D Insurance
Protect the future
LFG (Lincoln Financial Group)
Phone: 888-787-2129
Website company code: lssliving
Group number: SA3-890-LF0908-01
Basic Life and AD&D Insurance
As a benefits-eligible employee, EverTrue provides you Basic Life and AD&D (accidental death & dismemberment) insurance at no cost to you. Coverage becomes effective the 1st day of the month in which your 90th day of FT employment occurs. Basic Life benefits provide payment equal to one year’s salary (up to $250,000) if you pass away, and AD&D benefits pay out up to that same amount depending upon the circumstances. For specific information about the amount of benefits paid for dismemberment and/or bodily injuries, please refer to the plan’s certificate of coverage here. Premiums are paid 100% by EverTrue and as an eligible employee, you are automatically enrolled. Don’t forget to set up a beneficiary (or beneficiaries) in Workday... For more info, see the section on the right hand side of this page.
If someone has life insurance, it’s important to document who they’d want the money to be paid to in the case of them passing away. Who we designate the money to be paid to is called a “beneficiary”. One can set up multiple beneficiaries to allocate the money between multiple people at any percentages one wishes, as well as set up secondary (or contingent) beneficiaries just in case something happens to your primary beneficiaries and the money cannot be paid to them. To document life insurance beneficiaries, and/or change them, the employee must do so inside Workday. If you need help, please refer to the Workday job aids available on EverTrue Sharepoint or contact your local HR team.
What will happen if an employee passes away with no life insurance beneficiaries on file?
The way our plan document is written today, LFG will determine the “next of kin”. If the next of kin is under the age of 18, the money will be deposited into a trust. If it’s not possible to determine the next of kin, the money will be deposited into a trust, and then the interested parties of the deceased will have to go to court to determine who the money goes to.
Additional Resources
-To file a Life or AD&D claim, please follow the instructions provided here: Express Life Claims SystemOne
-Summary of Benefits - LFG Group Life & Accidental Death
-Summary of Benefits - LFG Supplemental Life
-Portability of Benefits: Please review the FAQ here
Additional benefits provided at no-cost to all employees eligible for Basic Life and AD&D coverage include the following…
▪Will Preparation: For more information, please review this flyer: Will Prep from LFG
▪Travel Assistance: For more information, please review this flyer: TravelConnect from LFG
▪Funeral Prep: For more information, please review this flyer: Funeral Prep from LFG
Contact your local HR representative to get information on filing a Life Insurance Claim. They will contact the Benefits Department at our EverTrue home office to initiate the claim process.