Finding Non-Evertrue Health Benefits:
“Mylo” can help.
Looking for health benefits outside of Evertrue? Maybe you’re not eligible for Evertrue health benefits and need to shop around for a private plan? Maybe you’ve become eligible for Medicare, and you have questions? The Mylo resource below may be helpful… Mylo (powered by Lockton) can find the right health plan based on how often you use medical services, what regular prescriptions you use, whether you have must-see doctors, hospitals and providers — and more. Whatever your need, Mylo shops for an option from the best carriers around. Mylo can even help with Medicare questions. For more information, click here.
Health Benefits Outside of Evertrue
Understanding & Navigating Medicare:
“Move to Medicare” (M2M) can help.
The “Move to Medicare” program (M2M) is a completely free service available to all EverTrue employees and their families (including employees’ parents) to help you understand your Medicare options and navigate the process.
Call the toll-free number (1-844-296-3822; TTY: 711) between 8am-8pm Monday-Friday to speak with specially trained representatives about Medicare options available to you or your family member. You may also email a representative at
You may also contact the primary EverTrue “Move to Medicare” representative, Jennifer Gerhardt, MPH, and she may assist you directly with any questions you have. She can be reached at (818) 254-5381. (Jennifer is located in California which is Pacific Standard Time, which means her local time is 2 hours behind CST.) You may also reach Jennifer via email at
Additionally, you may also want to watch their popular Medicare 101 recorded webinar, which has been updated for 2023 and approved by their government regulator, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). This webinar covers topics such as: How do I sign up for Medicare? How much will Medicare cost? What are my Medicare plan options? What if I work past 65? Click here to learn more about this webinar.
***M2M is a grant-based program operated independently of Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield***
Additional M2M resources:
Information on Working Past Age 65
Managing Your Health Savings Account (HSA) As You Start Medicare
AARP Membership Discount (American Association of Retired Persons)
Are you 50 years of age or older, and eyeing retirement? As an employee of EverTrue, you are eligible for a 2-year AARP membership for the special, low price of just $20.00 — that’s 37% lower than the standard rate. Members enjoy savings on travel, shopping, dining, health and wellness and also have access to the latest information with AARP Magazine, AARP Bulletin, content and more. For more info, click here.